
Happy New Year everyone. I hope this year brings you peace and recovery.

A lot has changed for Mark L. Rose Intervention and Recovery in a year, but the overall arc is how many people we have helped in our treatment services, interventions, and referrals. A year full of emotions and feelings, not only internally with staff, but with the many clients and families served. This brings me the topic of discussing working with clients during interventions.

Intervention is difficult and presents many challenges. This is why- the brain of the alcoholic/addict is corrupted. So, what I am aware of is that I am attempting to support a person in making a good decision about their health and well-being, all the while they are unable to process this information. Executive -functioning, motivation, memory, emotion-regulation are all in a mess.

Many times, I see families react to the inability of the loved one to make a proper decision. Families cannot fully understand why their loved one would not make a better decision. Families can act out with anger and confusion themselves. This can also be taxing for an interventionist. The interventionist has to possess the ability to let go and know they are often right in the middle of an unhealthy family system.

This is where the therapeutic ability, intuition, and training are needed to execute a successful intervention. This is an art. Patience, calm, tone of voice, are all important. Some intervention professionals believe that just getting the client to agree to go to treatment is all that needs to be done. I approach intervention from a therapeutic platform, supporting the patient, family, and all stakeholders. I stay on contract with concierge services to all for up to a year. This is to offer further referral, consultation, family services and sober coaching.

In summary, let me re-state the fact that interventionists are working with impaired brain functioning of the client. But I encourage all to maintain hope. Intervention works, I have experienced it several times. A well-planned intervention with a qualified and highly trained interventionist is the key. Don’t settle for less. Ask about education, licenses, trainings, approach – ask all the questions. A consultation should be free of charge. A good intervention  can be a life-affirming and life changing event.

Best of 2020 to all of you,


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Mark L. Rose Intervention & Recovery logo | Addiction Therapy | Seattle, WA 98103

600 N 36th St. Suite #306
Seattle, WA 98103

23410 Civic Center Way Suite E-4A
Malibu, CA 90265

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