
A well-planned intervention is critical to a well-executed and successful intervention. My process begins with in-depth screening and researching through collaborative information, in order to understand all persons involved with the intervention and how to best help the person of concern. This is a free consultation to examine the issues.

Discussion is held on the best matching treatment options as well insurance details are explored. Travel arrangements are discussed.

Then in-person meetings with all concerned and inviting the person of concern to attend a family meeting to explore the issue of addiction and best solutions. Ongoing assessment and family history and dynamic is continuing.

Family or employer and person of concern are presented with support and education on addiction.

These ongoing family or employer sessions continue for up to a year.

Mark L. Rose Intervention & Recovery logo | Addiction Therapy | Seattle, WA 98103

600 N 36th St. Suite #306
Seattle, WA 98103

23410 Civic Center Way Suite E-4A
Malibu, CA 90265

verified by psychology today | Mark L. Rose | Addiction Therapy | Intervention | Seattle, WA 98103

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