
Mark was the first professional to gently confront my addiction and behaviors. I am indebted to him for his kind guidance.
I was in crisis while I was in outpatient treatment. I relapsed in a bad way. Mark Rose held my hand through my obstacles and helped me to step up to the inpatient care I needed. I'm finally on a good path of sobriety thanks to Mark.
I interned with Mark. He was my North Star. He loves helping others and got me on my journey to this profession of helping.
Mark L. Rose Intervention & Recovery logo | Addiction Therapy | Seattle, WA 98103

600 N 36th St. Suite #306
Seattle, WA 98103

23410 Civic Center Way Suite E-4A
Malibu, CA 90265


verified by psychology today | Mark L. Rose | Addiction Therapy | Intervention | Seattle, WA 98103

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